
103 Audio Reviews

46 w/ Responses

the snare not hitting so hard als it need , otherwise good work

Quarl responds:

Ok, I went back and changed the levels on my layered snares so that the 909 drum has less emphasis than the punchier snare. Now go back and change your low ass review score because I fixed your one criticism. Oh wait, you can't. That's because life is full of split second decisions that can't be taken back. Should you have got on that train? Should you have told her one last time that you love her? Doesn't matter now, you've moved on. Life is like that train, constantly moving in one direction. She is behind you now. The world moves on and no body cares.

Now think back on the time you told her that you hated her mother in law. Should you have said that? What about that bike you stole in 5th grade? Or what about the paint chips she said to ignore that you so greedily put in your mouth? Would you do anything differently if you could? I assume we will never know. It's not as if we can go back in time and change everything. I've moved on, have you? WELL HAVE YOU?

Look, I can imagine the regret you feel is tremendous. I too have made mistakes in my life. Granted, I always put the gun down before I lash out on myself or my loved ones. I can't justify the suffering I would cause in that split second. So I move on. I move on and I never look back.

But if I were to admit that the snare in fact sounded tinier on monitors than it did on headphones I'd have given you that and gone back to change the pitch of redrum's channel 2. In fact, I am currently doing that because fuck.

Suddenly the train stops. Your hat flies off your head. The train starts moving full speed in reverse. You wonder what is happening. A song starts playing on the loud speaker. It's that song you heard earlier that morning. It was the last song you ever listened to with her but with a slightly different snare drum. You ask yourself "what the hell is going on?" The conductor speaks into the PA, "last stop, Second Chance Street." As the train pulls up you glance out of the train's sliding door. There she is. Listening to that song.

She's with another man.

The kick is to harsh, but nwm, keep up the good work.

Spirit of music

Age 38, Male

Music Producer


Joined on 7/10/18

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